Thursday, March 29, 2012

10th Annual Historic Preservation Awareness Day Tomorrow

10th Annual Historic Preservation Awareness Day
Friday, March 30, 2012
8:30-11:30 a.m.
3rd Floor
Hawaii State Capitol

Sponsored by:
State Legislature Heritage Caucus
Historic Hawaii Foundation
Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Thursday, March 22, 2012


The State Legislature’s Heritage Caucus, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation, and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will present the 10th Annual Historic Preservation Awareness Day on Friday, March 30. The annual event highlights and celebrates the history of Hawai‘i and the state’s architectural, cultural and natural heritage.

Some 50 exhibitors from the public, private and non-profit sectors will provide information about the role of historic preservation as an important element of community interaction and quality of life, as well as to demonstrate the importance of historic preservation to elected officials as they consider preservation legislation.

The exhibits will be held on the third floor of the Hawai‘i State Capitol on Friday, March 30, 2012, from 8:30 am to 11:30 a.m. This free event is open to the public.

“It’s inspiring to visit the exhibits and meet those individuals who are dedicated to protect and preserve historical properties, cultural sites, and sacred places,” said Representative Cindy Evans, chair of the state legislature’s Heritage Caucus. “This day is an opportunity for the public, organizations and individuals active in preservation, and the legislature to come together and celebrate our heritage.”

A special exhibit will be set up to gather public input to the Hawai‘i Preservation Plan, which will initiate efforts to ask community members their priorities for historic and cultural resource protection and policies. The “Speak Out” booth will solicit input for the State’s policy document that is being developed by the Department of Land and Natural Resources to serve as a five year plan for statewide preservation efforts.

“We encourage all Hawai‘i residents to participate in one of the public comment activities for the statewide preservation plan,” said William J. Aila, Jr., Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, and the State’s Historic Preservation Officer. “There will also be public meetings statewide and various other ways to provide input over the next two months. The Speak Out booth at Historic Preservation Awareness Day will let people talk about preservation, development and change within their communities, start to identify what they believe is worth saving, and suggest ways on how best to preserve Hawai‘i’s heritage.”

In addition to the Speak Out booth, other organizations will also showcase their efforts to celebrate and support various aspects of preservation.

“Historic Preservation Awareness Day is part of the collaborative effort to demonstrate the range of business, education, advocacy and arts organizations engaged in preserving Hawaii’s historic and cultural resources,” said Kiersten Faulkner, executive director of Historic Hawai‘i Foundation.

“As preservationists, many of us speak often about community character and quality of life benefits that come from preserving Hawaii’s historic, architectural and cultural heritage. But in these times of difficult economic decisions and competing values, that isn’t enough. It is increasingly important to demonstrate that preservation offers measurable economic impacts,” Faulkner said.

There is a direct link between investing in historic properties and the economic return for both property owners and government. Historic preservation is a powerful economic engine. The exhibitors at Historic Preservation Awareness Day all contribute to these industries in various ways. They not only preserve Hawaii’s heritage, they also contribute to its bottom line. We are pleased to be able to use this opportunity to demonstrate the broad scope and deep value that they provide,” Faulkner added.

The annual event started in 2002 as an activity of the Legislature’s Heritage Caucus, founded by Representatives Corinne Ching and Cindy Evans, as a bi-cameral, bi-partisan group of legislators working to preserve and promote Hawaii’s cultural heritage. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation became a co-sponsor and principal organizer in 2006. The event is also sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

Exhibiting organizations will include:

1. African American Diversity Cultural Center Hawaii

2. Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail

3. Army Cultural Resources Program

4. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum

5. Bishop Museum Anthropology Department

6. Chinatown Improvement District

7. Cultural Surveys Hawaii

8. Damien and Marianne of Moloka‘i Heritage Center

9. Daughters of Hawai‘i

10. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

11. Friends of ‘Iolani Palace

12. Friends of Queen Theater

13. Fung Associates, Inc.

14. Hale‘iwa Main Street

15. Hawai‘i Ecotourism Association

16. Hawai‘i Visitors and Convention Bureau

17. Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives

18. Hawaiian Railway Society

19. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation

20. Historic Liliha Town

21. Honolulu Culture and Arts District

22. Hui No‘eau Visual Arts Center

23. Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii

24. Kailua Historical Society

25. Kāko‘o ‘Ōiwi

26. Kalaupapa National Historic Park

27. Kikiaola Construction Company / Structure Movers Hawaii

28. King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center

29. Ko‘olau Foundation

30. Ko‘olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club

31. Kyo-ya Hotels and Resorts LP / Starwood Hotels and Resorts Waikīkī

32. Mālama Mānoa

33. Mānoa Heritage Center

34. Marine Corps Base Hawaii

35. Mason Architects, Inc.

36. Maui Historical Society

37. Minatoishi Architects, Inc.

38. Mō‘ili‘ili Community Center

39. Navy Region Hawaii / NAVFAC Hawai‘i

40. Office of Hawaiian Affairs

41. Pacific Islands Institute

42. Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard

43. Shangri La, Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art

44. SMS Research & Marketing Services / State Historic Preservation Plan Community Input

45. Society for Hawaiian Archaeology

46. State Historic Preservation Division, Department of Land and Natural Resources

47. State Parks Division, Department of Land and Natural Resources

48. UH Mānoa Historic Preservation Program

49. United Chinese Society of Hawaii

50. WWII Valor in the Pacific National Monument

Historic Hawai‘i Foundation (HHF) is a statewide non-profit organization that encourages the preservation of historic buildings, sites, and communities relating to the history of Hawai‘i. Founded in 1974, the Historic Hawai‘i Foundation has become the driving force behind preservation in the state through its core programs of developing a community ethic of historic preservation, supporting smart legislation, and providing technical assistance to make preservation accessible.

The Hawai‘i State Legislature's Heritage Caucus is bi-cameral, bi-partisan, and currently comprised of 41 members from the House and Senate. Organized in 2006, the caucus works to identify, protect, and preserve the state’s cultural resources and to foster widespread appreciation of and respect for Hawai‘i's cultural heritage.

Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) is a unique, independent state agency established through the Hawai‘i State Constitution and statutes to advocate for the betterment of conditions of all Native Hawaiians, with a Board of Trustees elected by the voters of Hawai‘i. OHA is guided by a vision and mission to ensure the perpetuation of culture, to protect the entitlements of Native Hawaiians, and to build a strong and healthy Hawaiian people and nation.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Call for Nominations for 2012 Hawai‘i Cultural Stewardship Award

The Hawai‘i Cultural Stewardship Award is sponsored by the Society for Hawaiian Archaeology and Nāki‘ikeaho. This award celebrates the grassroots efforts of an individual or group working in the Native Hawaiian community that practices responsible cultural stewardship of Hawai‘i’s cultural heritage. With this award, the Society for Hawaiian Archaeology and Nāki‘ikeaho acknowledge the profound importance of engaging with such individuals and groups, and honoring their legacies and achievements.

This annual award is presented to an individual, group or organization to recognize their contributions and special achievements in the preservation, protection and perpetuation of Hawai‘i’s cultural resources through responsible cultural resource management, stewardship, and/or education efforts. This award is designed to acknowledge the successful contributions made by persons or organizations to the sustainable welfare of Hawai‘i’s cultural resources and their commitment to long-term stewardship of these resources.

Nomination Eligibility:

· Individual, group, or organization that works in the Native Hawaiian community and has made special achievements in the preservation, protection and perpetuation of Hawai‘i’s cultural resources through responsible cultural resource management, stewardship, and/or education efforts.

· The individual, group or organization must be from and/or work on the island where the SHA conference is being held unless otherwise stated. The 2012 SHA conference will be held in Keauhou, Hawaiʻi Island.

Nomination Criteria:

· Work in and with the Native Hawaiian community

· Commitment of substantial time and effort towards the proper long term stewardship of the cultural landscapes and resources of Hawai‘i

· Dedication to the education of others by demonstrating the benefits and importance of cultural resource stewardship

· Extensive leadership efforts in providing others incentive to become good stewards of cultural resources

· Effectiveness and creativity in raising public awareness of the issues and challenges that affect the proper stewardship of cultural resources

Nomination Process:

· Submit a letter of nomination describing the individual, group or organization that is being nominated and explain why they are deserving of this award

· Turn in any relevant supporting documents

· All materials must be in electronic format and emailed to

· This year SHA and Nākiʻikeaho members will have a chance to send in any manaʻo regarding the nominees before the awardee is chosen by the Stewardship committee.

Deadline for Nominations: June 30, 2012

Contact: Kelley L. Uyeoka,

Previous Awardees:

2010 Na Pali Coast ‘Ohana – Kauaʻi

2011 Aunty Dana Naeole Hall – Maui

Friday, March 16, 2012

Storytelling Workshop for Interpreters & Educators March 31

The Oceania Marine Educators Conference and the Pacific Island Chapter of the National Association for Interpretation are providing an opportunity to learn about how to use storytelling in natural and cultural history education and interpretation.

Where: The Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology at Moku o Lo‘e (Coconut Island)
46-007 Lilipuna Rd., Kāne‘ohe, HI 96744

(parking instructions will be sent with registration confirmation)

When: Saturday, March 31st

8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Cost: $20/person (includes lunch)
Registration limit: 40 participants

Why: Hone your interpretive skills and hear some very entertaining speakers while learning the technical side of story telling, outdoor interpretation and how to integrate science, culture and nature on a rarely visited isle.

For: Docents, Volunteers, Interpreters, Teachers, Informal Educators, Story Tellers

For more information contact: Mark Heckman or Sal Pagliaro

Office: 808-235-9302

Fax: 808-235-9300



Schedule, Saturday, March 31th, 2012

8:30 am Shuttle boats start, Sign in

9:00 am Opening speakers: Gail Richard – Pacific Island Chapter of the National Association of Interpretation and Mark Heckman - Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology

9:15 am Mo‘olelo of He‘eia and other Ahupua‘a Around Kāne‘ohe Bay: Mahealani Cypher - Ko‘olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club

10:00 am Break

10:15 am Applying the Basics - Tell Well: Jeff Gere, Master Story Teller

11:30 am Lunch

12:00 am Linking Science, the Sea and Hawaiian Stories for Teachers: Terry Reveira, University of Hawai‘i - Hilo

12:45 pm Stories of History, Science and More – The Island Tour: Mark Heckman and staff

2:45 pm Shorts and Open session (share a story or strategy)

3:15 pm Wrap Up

3:30 pm Walk to boats/ Transport


Opening Speakers:

“Welcome from the Pacific Island Chapter of the National Association of Interpretation,” Gail Richard, Certified Interpretative Trainer, Pacific Island Chapter of the National Association of Interpretation, Multicultural /multilingual Communication.

“A Few Words on the Power of Words,” Mark Heckman, Outreach Education Specialist, Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology/ UH-Manoa.

Session 1: Mo‘olelo of He‘eia and other Ahupua‘a Around Kāne‘ohe Bay

Mahealani Cypher sets the foundation for us, sharing traditional knowledge of Moku o Lo‘e, He‘eia and Kāne‘ohe. Ms. Cypher is president of the O‘ahu Council of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, immediate past president of the Ko‘olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club, vice president of Kāko‘o‘Oiwi, secretary and board member of the Ko‘olau Foundation, a member of the board of directors of Hawai‘i Maoli, and vice chair of the Honolulu Board of Water Supply. She has spent most of her life researching ancient Hawaiian historic sites and learning the mo‘olelo of these sites from kupuna, historians, archaeologists and other community members.

Session 2: Applying the Basics: Tell Well

Jeff Gere lays out the basics on storytelling, activating the imagination, emotion, structure & delivery. Short tales illustrate points, with examples of work done with Mission Museum, Honolulu Academy Art, and writing with 90 year old Japanese local on Picture Bride biographies. This short session will entertain, provoke, and contribute to your own work. Jeff is the Drama Specialist for Honolulu's Parks Department, produces/hosts the Talk Story Festival, Hawaii's largest and oldest storytelling celebration (23 years now), and comes to us right after a storytelling trip to New York, Washington DC & Florida. He's produced 10 CDs,2 DVDs, and will be a featured storyteller in the upcoming Honolulu theater for Youth season (local supernatural tales in October).

Lunch: Make your own sandwiches at the Coconut Island Beach House

Session 3: Linking Science, the Sea and Hawaiian Stories for Teachers

This session will review of some of the current curriculum our group is working on at UH-Hilo linking science (geology) and the marine environment to cultural Hawaiian stories. Terry is an Education Specialist at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo in the Social Sciences Division, coordinating teacher education programs including a Master of Education degree. She previously worked for Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park as well as being as the Chief of Interpretation at Pu‘uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park.

Session 4: Island Tour

Moku o Lo‘e is the home to the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology. The island has a long and varied history - luau site for Queen Emma, fantasy playground for a 1930's millionaire, zoo with an elephant and chimpanzees dressed in tuxedos, strafed during Pearl Harbor, POW camp, hotel, film site, and today – cutting edge research station pushing forth the known boundaries of the marine universe. We will cover some important basics of teaching and interpretation in the out of doors using the island history and current research. Mark Heckman is the Informal Education Specialist at the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology. Past Education Director at the Waikiki Aquarium, Mark has 30 years of background in outdoor education, science interpretation and training. Check out our blog, Science Island (

Session 4: Shorts and Open Session

The collective knowledge of the many - have a great 3 minute story? Let us know. We will use this final time to share stories and strategies.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hawaii Museum Association Event 3/23/12

Exhibition Critique:
Pearl Harbor’s WWII Valor in the Pacific National Monument Galleries

Friday, March 23, 2012
View galleries 4:00 to 6:00 pm
Critique Session 6:00 to 7:00 pm
in the Pearl Harbor Memorial Theater

In December 2010, the National Park Service opened its new exhibition at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center. Included in the displays on the 1941 Japanese attack are the voices of Hawai'i residents. This critique will examine the exhibit from different perspectives—three museum professionals will offer evaluations while National Park Service staff respond & describe the challenges they faced.

  • Tom Klobe, Founding Director, University of Hawai‘i Art Gallery
  • Barbara Moir, Education and Operations Curator, Lyman Museum
  • Paul DePrey, Superintendent, WWII Valor in the Pacific National Monument
  • Eileen Martinez, Chief of Education & Interpretation, WWII Valor in the Pacific National Monument
  • Moderator: Karen Kosasa, Director, Museums Studies Graduate Certificate Program, UH Manoa

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bishop Museum Department of Anthropology Summer Internship Program Application Deadline April 15th

Bishop Museum Department of Anthropology Summer Internship Program

The Anthropology Department’s Summer Internship Program is offering internships over the summer academic session (May 21-August 7, 2012) for undergraduate and graduate students wanting to prepare for careers in archaeology, anthropology, museums, or other related fields. At least two days per week of project work is requested. Interns will work on projects relating to the collections held by the department, which are focused on Hawaiian and Polynesian archaeology. Projects will include inventorying and scanning archaeological maps and documents, inventorying and digitizing artifacts, rehousing artifacts, and sorting midden samples. Other work may be included, as well, based on the current needs of curatorial staff within the Anthropology Department. Each intern will receive hands-on training and instruction relating to the projects on which they are working. The internships are unpaid, but it may be possible to receive academic credit, subject to the requirements of individual university degree programs.

The number of applicants selected for each internship program varies according to staff needs and availability. Those interested in applying should fill out a Summer Internship Application Form. Please attach a resume and include the name of an academic advisor or professor who can be contacted to provide a reference. A brief summary (one page or less) of your major areas of academic and professional interest, as well as an explanation of how you hope to benefit from the internship should also be included.

Please email the application and attachments to:

Summer Moore, Archaeology Collections Manager

Application deadline is April 15, 2012.


Application Form

Name: ___________________________________________

Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: _______________ E-Mail: _________________

Academic Status (Expected date of Degree and Major): __________________________


Name of Academic Institution: ______________________________________________

Currently enrolled in a museum studies program: Yes___ No___

Name and address (including phone and e-mail) of academic advisor who we may contact for a recommendation: ________________________________________________________________________


Area of Interest and Relevant Experience: _____________________________________



Check one:

¨ Seeking academic credit

¨ Not seeking academic credit

Preferred work schedule: _____________________________

Please attach a resume and describe, in no more than one page, your educational goals and how you feel an internship at the Bishop Museum relates to those goals (use a separate page):

Signature ______________________________Date: ____________________________

Friday, March 9, 2012

Launching Hōkūle‘a March 8th

Society thanks helpers who restored Hōkūle‘a

The canoe has been fully rebuilt ahead of an ambitious trip

By Michael Tsai, Honolulu Star Advertiser

Mar 04, 2012

The Polynesian Voyaging Society marked the completion of an extensive restoration of the Hokule‘a Saturday with an appreciation celebration for volunteers who had a hand in making sure the historic voyaging canoe continues to make history.

The event was held at the Marine Education and Training Center on Sand Island and attended by society officials and more than three dozen volunteers.

"We had hundreds of volunteers helping out over the last 18 months," said society Vice Chairman Bruce Blankenfeld. "With good care, common sense and just standard maintenance, (Hokule‘a) should be good for another 40 years."

The canoe will return to the water on Thursday to begin a process of water trials and fine-tuning. A crew will take the vessel around the state next month for education and training in preparation for what promises to be its most ambitious voyage yet — a journey around the world tentatively scheduled to begin in March 2013.

The double-hulled canoe was brought to dry dock in September 2010 for complete restoration and rebuilding after a challenging journey across the Pacific.

Executive Director Nainoa Thompson said the vessel was completely disassembled and meticulously restored piece by piece.

"The standard became ‘no rot, no damage,'"Thompson said. "We wanted to make it faster and more powerful. Eventually, these guidelines became mandates. The question was:Do you have the community capacity to make it ‘no rot, no damage?' It was a scary journey because we tore her apart and we had to put her back together again."

Thompson estimated that at least 24,000 volunteer hours were devoted to the project.

"The experience was magical in many ways," Blankenfeld said. "Most of the volunteers came to us with no ship-building skills, no woodworking or fiberglass-working skills. What they brought daily was a willingness to help, a commitment to showing up and doing whatever was needed. They brought a spirit that was so generous and so full of aloha."

Jen Umilama Nadeau, 53, started volunteering with Hokule‘a shortly after she arrived from California to study Hawaiian astronomy and navigation. Nadeau, a retired fire investigator with family ties to Hawaii, said she spent her volunteer hours sanding, applying epoxy, rigging and lashing.

"I just did whatever needed to be done," she said. "Iwent every Thursday and whenever I could get away but after a while I felt like I didn't want to do anything but this."

Westly Alapai, 42, of Kona started volunteering with the project as part of his rehabilitation program at Habilitat.

For Alapai, who grew up with a deep affection for the ocean, working on the iconic vessel was a way to reconnect with a cultural identity from which he had become estranged.

"I spent a lot of years off track," he said. "I got into doing the things of the world — drugs and alcohol — and I lost the foundation that I had from my family.

"Working on Hokule‘a was a big opportunity for me to regain my culture and to be happy with who I am," he said. "I'm happy to be Hawaiian. The ocean used to be my life. Mauka to makai — that's how we used to live. Now I'm getting all of that back and I want to take what I've learned and share it with my kids and my community."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The King's Secret

A new exhibit at ‘Iolani Palace will showcase artifacts that reveal Kalākaua's devotion to Freemasonry

By Burl Burlingame, Honolulu Star Advertiser

Mar 04, 2012

Although the order known as Freemasons is popularly thought of as a secret society, it's really more of an upright citizens brigade with private rituals than a society with secrets. But what was hidden in the forgotten safe in Honolulu's Freemasons lodge building was more like a scene right out of "National Treasure."

"It was a gun safe, hidden under the stairs," said local Mason Mark Lovell, describing what turned up as the Makiki lodge building was being renovated last year. Amid the debris and plaster dust, workers opened the safe and found various Masonic documents and artifacts stored away.

"Except that they were written and signed by people like King David Kalakaua and John Dominis," marveled Lovell. "A treasure trove!"


Where: 364 S. King St.

Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, except Sunday

Tours: Reservations required for docent-guided tours, $20 ($15 kamaaina/military); self-guided audio tours, $13; basement galleries only, $7; free kamaaina admission on first Sunday monthly

Info: or 522-0822

Note: Children 4 and under not allowed on tours

Kalakaua ruled from 1887 until his death in 1891, when his sister, Liliuokalani, was proclaimed queen. Dominis was her husband.

Kalakaua's obsession with Masonic ritual will be on display at Iolani Palace beginning this week, part of "Royal Pageantry," a larger exhibition showing off the merry monarch's love of pomp.

"We're now able to use the gallery in the palace basement for exhibits," said palace curator Heather Diamond. "It used to hold the crown jewels, but those are now upstairs."

The palace basement used to hold a confusing warren of legislative offices. Creating exhibition space in the area has been in the works for some years.

"It expands the way we can tell our stories," said Diamond.

"It's occurring in two parts, first a renovation and then exhibit cases are being built with special lighting. Some of the work was done as far back as 2003, partially through state funding."

Freemasonry dates back to the 1600s, and it spread quickly from Europe throughout the world. The cornerstones are good citizenship and charitable works with a sense of historical continuity.

Although the fraternity's primary symbols are the carpenter's level and architect's compass, the "buildings" it creates are philosophic constructions. The symbols are used to instruct ethical lessons.

Kalakaua saw parallels between Freemasonry and ancient alii practices; not only was he an enthusiastic Mason, he tried to create corollary Hawaiian organizations such as Hale Naua.

In 1879, with full Masonic rites, the cornerstone of Iolani Palace was laid, and Kalakaua's temple, Lodge le Progres De l'Oceanie, still meets today on the palace grounds.

"I think they used to meet in the attic," said Diamond.

There was a practical reason for Kalakaua's lodge activities. The monarchs of Europe were also enthusiastic Masons, and through the organization, Kalakaua cemented fraternal ties with other royalty.

"When the Honolulu Masons contacted us and asked if they could loan us the Kalakaua Masonic items, it helped created the exhibit," Diamond said. "We don't normally get the chance to tell this part of the story."

"Kings and potentates, they're all Masons," said Lovell. "And here we'd found these items hidden away, just gathering dust."

There were no guns in the gun safe, by the way. Lovell, who's in charge of indexing and filing for the organization, thinks it was used as "a hasty attempt to preserve these items at least a half-century ago. It wasn't climate-controlled and there's some degradation.

"We're finding out that Freemasons were integral to the history of modern Hawaii," Lovell said. "Many of the best-known leaders during the royal era were Masons."

That doesn't mean they were on the same page. During the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, Lovell pointed out, there were Masonic lodges fighting on both sides.

"Royal Pageantry" is being installed at the palace and will be completed in mid-March, although visitors can see what's already in place. It is part of general admission to the historic site.